The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

The Monitoring Committee met today

Wednesday, 28 April, 2021
Today, the Central Baltic programme's Monitoring Committee had its meeting online. The Monitoring Committee was given an overview of the programme implementation by our Head of Managing Authority, Merike Niitepõld presenting the Annual Implementation Report draft. In short, the programme is well on track and running smoothly. ... Read more
We hope you are ready to be inspired and carried along. has published an article written by Ester Laurell, our Information Officer at the National Contact Point in Åland.

Ester will take you along to Finland's smallest municipality Sottunga, where young people gained a new perspective, new friends, a new understanding, and a lot of new experiences that will stay in their rucksacks for life thanks to the projects Skunk and RIBS - Rolling Images in Business Startups.

Sit back and enjoy the reading! ... Read more

First impressions from public hearings

Tuesday, 13 April, 2021
The public hearing process on the Central Baltic programme for 2021-2027 has been closed. During the last two months we’ve invited stakeholders to read and comment the draft content. We received 49 replies to our online survey. Some replies covered several regions or respondents, so the number of involved people has been much larger. We got replies from all programme countries. 
Currently our programming team is going through the replies. Each comment will be considered and replied to. We’re producing a document where all the comments and replies will be visible. ... Read more
The Regional Council of Southwest Finland is setting up the Joint Secretariat for the Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027. The Central Baltic cross-border cooperation programme includes regions from Estonia, Finland incl. Åland, Latvia and Sweden.

The Regional Council of Southwest Finland is now looking for members of staff to launch the implementation of the programme. The aim is to open the first call for proposals in late 2021. The recruitment of the staff will continue in 2022 for positions related to project and programme implementation. ... Read more
The Central Baltic Programme gathered more than 600 participants to public hearing webinars in Finland, Sweden, Åland, Estonia and Latvia. In the webinars, our colleagues presented the programme draft for the next period and the Strategic Environmental Assessment report.

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If you were not able to attend a public hearing webinar, you can still get an overview of what is covered in these events by watching video recording and sharing your input via the feedback questionnaire. In this 30-minute video, Merike Niitepõld is telling how the new Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027 programme is to look like, what the Strategic Environmental Assessment is about and is sharing an indicative schedule for the future. ... Read more
We are happy to share with you news about improvements to the usability of video guidance on the programme website and also our YouTube channel.
Videos for project closure (how to ensure the sustainability of results, how to ensure reporting and finalise the project, etc. ) and cost eligibility (a separate video for each budget line, video for general cost eligibility principles and also public procurement) were developed and shared with you in 2020.
What has changed in 2021?
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The Programme Manual has just been updated to clarify the terminology for project closure.

The version number 3.2 has been replaced by the newly updated 3.3. The version updates are described on the last page of the Programme Manual (updated 2.2021).

The latest version of the Programme Manual replaces all the previous versions. 
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Please share your opinion with us

Tuesday, 16 February, 2021
The public hearing webinars started last week in Finland, Sweden and Åland. Already over 150 people have gained their first experience with the new programme in our webinars.

Although we couldn’t meet face to face this time the discussion was lively and excited. In March the webinars continue in Estonia and in Latvia.

The slides that are used in the webinar are found here.

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We have added new information for implementing projects on the possibility to provide lunch in connection with e-meetings.

Find the latest COVID-19 news on the main menu page:

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