At the end of the 2014-2020 programme, we arranged a photo exhibition that featured selected projects and their achievements. The exhibition was featured in major cities in every programme country (including Åland). On this page, you can view the exhibition content.

Empowering People to fulfil their Potential
The project ActiveMoms developed a model for the social and economic inclusion of women with young children who belong to the largest ethnic minorities in Estonia and Latvia. Mothers became active members of society through employment, entrepreneurship, volunteering and networking.Photo: Jelena Sterhova

Increasing Prosperity through Export
Exports from Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Sweden to Southern African markets were reinforced through the project SME Aisle. Several business deals within the fields of shipbuilding, logistics, renewable energy, automation and ICT were made thanks to project activities.Photo: Gail Wearne

Springboard for Cross-border Business Development
Springboard helped business ideas become viable start-ups. Universities and business development organisations from Turku (FI), Tallinn (EE) and Riga (LV) worked closely together to foster cross-border cooperation in the early stage of business development.Photo: Elīna Karaseva

Nature and Culture across the Baltic Sea
The St Olav Waterway project created pilgrim route from Turku (FI) across the archipelago area and Åland Islands to Hudiksvall (SE). The route is unique as it is the only pilgrim route that also includes waterways. The project increased the attractiveness of the region, especially off-season.Photo: Stefan Bremer

Joining the Digital with the Natural
URBAN ECO ISLANDS created ways to ensure nature protection while increasing the attractiveness of nature destinations in Vasikkasaari (FI) and Aegna (EE). Mobile nature routes and virtual guides were created to help visitors make the most of these beautiful urban recreational areas.Photo: Mira Lainiola

Digitalisation for Improved Safety and Efficiency
The SMART E67 project created smart traffic management solutions for the Estonian and Latvian sections of the Via Baltica transport corridor. Electronic information boards and adaptive signs for regulating traffic according to current conditions were installed along the E67.Photo: Martin Siplane

Digitalisation for a Greener Future
The EfficientFlow project worked on improving the flow of goods in the two transport corridors of Gävle-Rauma and Stockholm-Turku. The Port Activity App was developed to improve the work flow in ports and better plan the timely arrival of cargo ships to ports. The app optimizes ship traffic to reduce fuel consumption and decrease CO2 emissions.Photo: Kasper Dudzik

Safe and Sustainable Small Ports
The PortMate project improved services for port users in small ports in Finland, Åland and Sweden, by investing in the sustainability of the energy and sanitation solutions of these harbors. A step-by-step guide for safe arrival to and departure from these small ports was created using ICT solutions.Photo: Kristiina Kortelainen

Reducing Nutrients in the Baltic Sea
SEABASED developed and piloted the measures to improve the status of Baltic Sea bays by reducing the internal nutrient load. The project engaged stakeholders in an open dialogue on the benefits and risks of the measures, and their applicability for the Baltic Sea.Photo: Tara Jaakkola

Sustainable Agriculture
NutriTrade created a crowdfunding platform for the offset of nutrient loads. The project also made policy analyses and piloted cost-effective measures for reducing the nutrient load to the Baltic Sea. NutriTrade helped make gypsum treatment of fields the sustainable approach of choice for reducing nutrient loads to the sea.Photo: Ilkka Vuorinen

Building a Bridge between EU and China for Wood Exports
The goal of the LEF Network to China project was to create an export support network to China and develop long-term business relationships between Latvian, Estonian, Finnish and Chinese entrepreneurs to achieve sales of wood products in the Chinese market.Photo: TAOMU

Maritime Safety
The INTROSERV project focused on the development of maritime technical assistance services for small boats which are provided by Estonian and Finnish voluntary maritime rescue organisations. Joint trainings for small port staff, boaters and voluntary rescuers were held.Photo: Raigo Pajula