IVY in SoMe
As I am collaborating with Central Baltic’s Info team, communicating the programme and its projects is my main task. Besides articles and reports, I am also active on social media, following the projects’ activities and reporting Central Baltic’s news. If I find something new about a project, for example about the results it has achieved or the events it has planned, I share it on Central Baltic Communication network for projects Facebook group, which is one of the most important tools to discover (and to show, at the same time) all the projects’ updates.
Tweeting is part of my activities as well: I report about what is going on in the Programme and I mark my tweets with #cb_IVY (so that it is possible to find them!).
Tweeting is part of my activities as well: I report about what is going on in the Programme and I mark my tweets with #cb_IVY (so that it is possible to find them!).