The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden
The second Central Baltic programme project to finsish was EDU-SME's. In this interview, the project manager Eija Källström, talks about her first impresssion after the project ended. Based on her experience, also shares some insights on project implementation. 

First impression after the project ended. How does it feel?
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The Central Baltic programme's Monitoring Committee met last week on 24-25 May. Among the topics were the current state of the programme, the Annual Implementation Report and steps after the third call.

It was concluded that the programme is running smoothly and according to plan. This was reflected in the update given by the JS staff members as well as the Annual Implementation Report. The Monitoring Committee was well informed, involved and interested in programme developments.

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CB is now Central Baltic

Tuesday, 25 April, 2017
The Facebook group CB communication network for projects was opened for anyone to read and for our projects to post to in November 2016. During 2016 and spring 2017, we have had great posts about media visibility, events and other related information.

Lately, we received feedback that the group is hard to find on Faceboook. Thus, to improve findability, the group is now named Central Baltic communication network for projects (instead of 'CB...'). We are also working on making the group further visible on different platforms, such as the Central Baltic webpage.

Here's a direct link: ... Read more
One of our projects from the previous programming period, 2007-2013, was just featured by the European Commission on its EU Regio Interreg A Twitter profile.

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The face behind the Audit Authority

Thursday, 23 March, 2017

Who is Roberts Jansons?

I am a nice and friendly person, who is honest and punctual. I give myself goals and I work to achieve them. I lead an active lifestyle and I like outdoor activities all-year-round. I work in a team which consists of auditors from each Member State from the programme area.
I have an international background: I studied finance in the US and after completing my bachelor’s degree, I was awarded an MBA from the Swiss Business School within the programme for international banking and finance. 

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The third and last full-fledged call of the Central Baltic programme closed on 27 February 2017. In this interview Samu Numminen, team leader of our project team explains what happens to an application, after it has been submitted.

Who is Samu Numminen?
I am a geographer by education and I have been working in and with projects in the environmental sector for my whole career. Working at the Central Baltic programme has been a good way to gain new experience and to work with projects from the other side of the fence.
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First two projects have ended

Wednesday, 1 March, 2017
Another day, another celebration. The third call has just closed and already we have cause to gather together again. This time, the occasion was the first two projects that have ended: Let Us Be Active! ( and EDU-SMEs ( Well done! Project Manager Karolina Mackiewicz from Let Us Be Active! ... Read more

First third call statistics available

Tuesday, 28 February, 2017
First statistics for the third call have been published. In the statistics you will find, among other, division between projects, applications per priorities and partner origins. Click here to view the statistics ... Read more

Third call has closed

Monday, 27 February, 2017
The third call closed on 27 February at 15:00 Finnish time. In total, we received 91 applications; 66 for regular projects and 25 for small projects. There were applications in all priorities. The assessment will now begin with the Steering Group meeting taking place in June. Many thanks to all applicants! ... Read more

Checklists to help the application process

Friday, 17 February, 2017
We are very happy to see that 3rd call project applications are actively being filled in in the eMS. Based on recently received questions related to filling in and submitting the Application Form, we are providing short checklists for you:
To submit the application, you need to click on two buttons on the left-hand side menu in eMS:
  1. ‘Check saved project’ to do automatic check of the Application Form
  2. ‘Submit checked project’ after the check is completed
Additionally, we wish to remind you to follow the latest version of the Guide for Filling in the Application Form (3.1, 7.2.2017). ... Read more