The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

3rd call countdown

Friday, 15 September, 2017
The second step of the third call will close today at 15:00 Finnish time. We are excited about the applications as well as the possibility to begin assessment after that. All the best to our applicants! ... Read more

​3rd call is moving forward

Friday, 8 September, 2017
The first 3rd call project, Much More, has been contracted. Much More (priority 4) introduces an intervention model that combines DIY, nature-based activities and peer-group counselling to address the health and social inclusion of middle-aged men with past addiction problems. We are looking forward to hearing more.

Additionally, the first 2nd step submission for 3rd call regular projects has been made. Well done! ... Read more
New Information Officer in the Contact Point of Latvia ... Read more
The Annual Event and the European Cooperation Day celebrations are just over a month away. The arrangements are running at full speed as we want to make the event as interesting and valuable as possible. In case you still need some time to consider, we have extended the deadline for registration from 25 August until 31 August. Go ahead and check for more information and a link to register. ... Read more

3rd call 2nd step still open

Monday, 21 August, 2017
Even though we are all getting ready (and you can still register) for the Annual event and European Cooperation Day taking place 20-21 September on Åland, it's good to remember that our third call is still running. The small projects were already accepted in June whereas regular projects are finalising their applications in the 2nd step. The second step is open until 15 September. ... Read more

Back in office

Monday, 14 August, 2017
The summer holidays are now over and most of the staff has returned to the office. Although holidays were nice, it's always a treat to return, catch up with colleagues and check latest project activities. To prove our good moods, we took a photo while reviewing the European Cooperation Day materials sent to us by Interact :) PS. remember to register for our Annual Event and ECD:

  ... Read more
The Finnish partners in projects accepted to the 2nd step application phase can apply for the Finnish national co-financing from the Regional Council of Southwest Finland until 18 August.

More information (in Finnish): ... Read more
We now have 76 projects -- all in various stages. One thing is clear, though: our projects are greating concrete results for the Central Baltic region.

... Read more

Funding decisions

Friday, 9 June, 2017
The Central Baltic programme received 92 applications for the third call; 26 for small projects and 66 for regular projects.

The applications have been assessed by the programme Steering Committee during 8-9 June. The Steering Committee consists of Member State representatives.

The following 9 small projects have been approved for funding:
  • CB680    ARC
  • CB670    CoMe Strong
  • CB739    DSB
  • CB605    Gardens
  • CB694    MUCH MORE
... Read more

Call decisions available soon

Wednesday, 7 June, 2017
The Central Baltic programme Steering Committee gathers in Jūrmala, Latvia on 8-9 June to make decisions regarding applications submitted for the third call. The Steering Committee will approve small projects for funding and also select regular projects that will continue into the second step of the application process. We will publish funding decisions on as soon as they are known. ... Read more