The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

Synergies in the field of tourism

Tuesday, 16 January, 2018
Good practices from Central Baltic projects DefenceArch, LightsOn! and St. Olav Waterway

DefenceArch, LightsOn! and St. Olav Waterway, are three of the 97 projects currently founded by the Central Baltic programme and they all belong to specific objective 2.1 — natural resources developed into sustainable tourism attractions. All Central Baltic projects tackle their challenges with cross-border cooperation in mind and DefenceArch, LightsOn! and St. Olav Waterway are a good example of it.

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The Central Baltic programme is active on many fronts in communication. Sometimes it can be confusing as to what is found and where. This post contains a summary of locations and files that our projects should be aware of.

Social Media

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A big thank you to everyone involved in the Central Baltic programme during 2017. Also a big hug to our projects -- it has been great following cross-border cooperation in action through various outlets (e.g. the Facebook Communication Network). Now it is time to take a short break, settle down and celebrate Christmas (many staff members are on holiday until next year). See you in 2018! ... Read more

​A new tool to EmpowerKids

Thursday, 21 December, 2017

Health education and social advices to support smart lifestyle choices in children

The seminar

Last week, the final seminar of Central Baltic project EmpowerKids took place in Turku, Finland. The seminar focused on how well-being and citizen empowerment are integrated into city/ national policies as well as on the activities implemented in the framework of the project.

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Throughout the year, we have gathered experiences and suggestions about our webpage – what are the things our visitors are interested in, how they are using the site and which parts could be improved. We took all this information and realised many improvements in one go. Read below to find out more.

Programme description

One of the comments we have been getting is that the meaning of the programme is not clear on the landing page. To improve on this, we added a simple one-sentence description of the Central Baltic. ... Read more
How do you grow digital presence and increase engagement with different stakeholders? How do you remain relevant and communicate results? These questions, as well as tips and tricks on how to improve project communication were the center of attention when 11 representatives from 8 Central Baltic projects participated in a network meeting arranged in Stockholm by the Swedish Contact Points.
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A few days ago, Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) Sofia Castoldi, published a blog post on the IVY website in which she tells about her experience as Interreg volunteer at the Central Baltic programme. ... Read more

Third call decisions available

Thursday, 30 November, 2017
The second step of the third call closed on 15 September 2017. After that, assessments have been ongoing and between 29-30 November, the Steering Committee took funding decisions on regular projects. The Steering Committee consists of Member State representatives.

The following 23 regular projects have been approved for funding.
  • CB604 Augmented Urbans
  • CB607 EfficientFlow
  • CB612 NatureBizz
  • CB614 NNFA
  • CB616 Smart Marina
  • CB619 DigiYouth
  • CB627 Coast4us
  • CB630 Sustainable Gateways
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Funding decisions coming up

Wednesday, 29 November, 2017
The Central Baltic programme's Steering Committee will assemble today and tomorrow, to take decision on regular projects to be funded from the third call. The meeting will start this afternoon. We will publish information about funded projects as soon as the decisions are known. This will take place tomorrow. Stay tuned! ... Read more