The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

The first Central Baltic project to end

Tuesday, 27 February, 2018

Let us be active! Senior volunteering as a recipe to fight social exclusion among the elderly

Exactly one year ago Let us be active! was the first Central Baltic project to end. Throughout its lifecycle, the project produced concrete changes in the life of those involved by testing services for elderly people that contribute to change how society perceive them: as a resource rather than a burden.

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The Guide for project implementation has just been updated. The list of changes is avialble below 
  • Supplementary information must be kept updated by the lead partner; especially for the Programme level communication purposes it is important that the project manager and main lead partner user are the same and the information is valid (p. 7)
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Stories and interviews available in the project database

The programme has had three calls that have resulted in almost 100 projects in all Priorities and Specific Objectives. Last year, ten projects ended already and the number is even bigger in 2018. To summarise: we are running at full-speed – jointly tackling cross-border challenges and creating concrete results.

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A quick overview of our third call projects

Tuesday, 13 February, 2018

The third call, brought to the Central Baltic programme 30 new projects, 23 regular and 7 small. The projects are distributed in all four priorities as follows: 5 in Priority 1, 7 in Priority 2 and 3 and 11 in priority 4 (4 regular and 7 small). At the moment 9 projects from the third call have been contracted, 7 small and 2 regulars.

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The focus in on results!

Monday, 12 February, 2018
Ten Central Baltic projects have already ended last year and 10 more will end this Spring only. By the end of 2018, 40 Central Baltic projects will have reached the finishing line.

To celebrate their achievements and all the concreate results their cross-border cooperation efforts brought to the Central Baltic region, we have created the #CBresults hashtag.

Check it out regularily to keep up-to-date on our project accomplishments. ... Read more

FinEst link project results

Wednesday, 7 February, 2018
This year many of our projects will end. Among those is FinEst Link - a project that studied the economic and technical feasibility of a fixed link between Helsinki and Tallinn. The project, is presenting its results at its final conference today in Tallinn. 

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Last year we got to celebrate the ending of our first projects, such as Let Us Be Active!, EDU-SMEs and EmpowerKids. ... Read more
The Staff cost tool has just been updated. Version 1.1 is now availabe here. The Tool now uses comma instead of dot in numbers. This change enables the copy-pasting of the staff cost from the tool to eMS. The underlying calculations have not been changed.

Always remember to use the latest version for reporting!

Last update January 2018 ... Read more

Our national Contact Points in spotlight

Monday, 22 January, 2018
Our national Contact Points are the link between the programme and the regions. They inform about the funding opportunities and provide first information for potential applicants. Contact Points also help with partner search and matchmaking. In addition, they follow projects closely to share/spread project results and communicate the benefits of cross-border cooperation. 

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This week end Central Baltic projects St. Olav WaterwayBoostedBaltacar and PortMate are participating in the Matka nordic travel fair starting today in Helsinki to present their projects to other tourism professionals.

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