The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden
The 5th call Project Applicant Seminar was organised by the Central Baltic programme last 11. June in Riga.

All together 91 participants took place in the seminar and many potential applicants received consultations from the Central Baltic staff.
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Central Baltic at the EUSBSR forum

Wednesday, 12 June, 2019
Today the 10th Annual EUSBSR forum is kicking off in Gdansk. The Central Baltic programme contributes to the event with a presentation about project Nutrinflow in the framework of the Interreg stand coordinated by the South Baltic programme.

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The Project Applicant Seminar is just behind the corner. Tomorrow in Riga, representatives of the Central Baltic Joint Secretariat, will tell potential applicants how to prepare for the 5th call.

For potential applicants interested in applying for the 5th call, but unable to attend the seminar, it is possible to participate virtually by following this webstream link. The streaming will start tomorrow, Tuesday 11.6 at 10:15.

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Less than a month ago, the 5th call has been launched. The Central Baltic programme is supporting potential applicants in many different ways and you can read more about them here

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The Central Baltic programme uses public funds to reach commonly defined objectives for the good of our regions. All elements of that sentence mean that we have to spend that money very wisely and correctly. Therefore, the programme has a zero-tolerance for fraud as it is one of the saddest forms of misuse of public funds. 
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"Europe in My Region" is an EU-wide communication campaign launched in 2016 by DG Regio and taking place now for the fourth time. The campaign aims at encouraging citizens to discover EU-funded projects near them in the days around Europe Day (9 May).

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Last week, back-to-back with the Monitoring Commitee, the Central Baltic Info Team gathered to plan our activities in relation to the >> 5th call <<.

Here a brief summary of what to expect:
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    5th call - new information

    Tuesday, 23 April, 2019
    For latest information about the fifth call, please visit the 5th call page.

    The Monitoring Committee of the Central Baltic Programme gathered in Riga between 23-24 April 2019. During the meeting, 5th call details were decided.

    We will compile a comprehensive 5th call information page in near future but here are the most important facts:
    • The call is open between 15.8.-15.10.2019
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    The Swedish Institute, a public agency that promotes swedish interests around the world, just opened a call for application aimed at projects with a Swedish lead partner that would like to cooperate with countries located outside of the European Union in the framework of their project.

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    The Centrum Balticum Foundation is looking for projects to be featured in a multi-channel communication campaign “Cohesion through EUSBSR”. The campaign aims at highlighting the impact of EU Cohesion policy in the Baltic Sea macro-region. It puts EU-funded transnational and cross-border projects and their beneficiaries in the forefront, and communicates the benefits and contributions of Cohesion policy to the development of the macro-region.

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