The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

The #EUinMyRegion activities have started!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 17:37

"Europe in My Region" is an EU-wide communication campaign launched in 2016 by DG Regio and taking place now for the fourth time. The campaign aims at encouraging citizens to discover EU-funded projects near them in the days around Europe Day (9 May). The campaign entails a photo and a blogging contest opened to everyone as well as a quiz about EU regions. 

The Central Baltic programme participates in the campaign by organising different events in different region thanks to the effort of our national Contact Points. Please find below a list of all the events.

Activities on Åland

In Åland, two different campaigns will take place: the project Open Days between 6-11 May 2019 and a thematic seminar about maritime safety and logistics on 9 May.

Project Open Doors

Monday 6 May at Emmaus Returcafé in Mariehamn at 12-14: GARDENS and Växtkraft, Afternoon Tea
Wednesday 8 May at Alandica in Mariehamn at 19-20: ADAPT - presentation of the project results
Thursday 9 May at Alandica in Mariehamn at 10-12: Efficient FlowUniLog, FinEst LinkOnBoard-MedSME Aisle
Friday 10 May on Föglö, at Degerby guest harbour, at 14-16: RIBSSEASTOP and Skärgårdsakademin
Saturday 11 May on Kumlinge, at Kumlinge Guest harbour at 13-15: RIBS, Smart Marina and Skärgårdsakademin

Thematic Seminars in connection to the Maritime Day 9 May 2019 at Alandica, in Mariehamn

Two sessions at Alandica with five project presentations
1. Logistics for safety and efficiency at 10-10:45
2. Blue knowledge and skills for competitiveness at 11-11:45

Project fair at Alandica at 9-16 
Afternoon Tea at Alandica, Bockholm, at 14-15

Activities in Finland

  • Stand with 10 projects in Europe Day event Narinkkatori  Helsinki on 9 May
  • Projects present a nice cross-section of different kind of project financed by Central Baltic
  • 2 projects are interviewed on stage, Blastic and Lights On!

Activities in Estonia

National Contact Point of Estonia will join forces with the European Commission Representation in Estonia and State Shared Services Centre.
General information about Europe Day celebrations on Freedom Square

Thursday, 9th of May, 14:45 – 20:15

European Day events include, in addition to the entertainment program, the European Day Tent inside the European Parliament Information Board (in cooperation with the European Parliament Information Office and the National Election Service) and the Archimedes Table (Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps) with an interactive quiz.
The European Day event in general has elements of…
  • interesting activities in the children area
  • opportunity to take pictures of the Archimedes quiz
  • opportunity for all Estonian political parties to come to the European Day area with their tent and advertise themselves in the context of the European Parliament elections
  • Europe Direct local information centers represented by their tent or information desk.
  • At the center of Tallinn's event, a traditional passport game with a conditional European passport, with which one can visit the open institutions and embassies (also the ones with their tents on the Freedom Square) and collect stamps to the passport. The city is divided into five routes. A separate game is for schools and classes that register for a class game in advance and can win a class tour in Brussels in October 2019. At the end of the day, four 500-euro gift vouchers will be drawn between all regular participants to organize their trip to Europe, at a freely chosen location.
National Contact Point’s activities during #EUinmyRegion
  • During Europe Day celebrations on Freedom Square, Central Baltic programme is represented in the main tent with a stand that is branded with many Central Baltic balloons, brochures and other information materials. nCP puts stamps to conditional European passports and distributes crosswords about EU supported projects.
  • A previously produced video in Estonian about Central Baltic, its core areas and activities, is constantly running on a screen. It answers questions such as…
    • What is Central Baltic programme?
    • What are the programme’s core areas and what is the change programme implements?

Activities in Sweden

7 May: Planners Forum in Gävle, Hantverkargatan/Norra Köpmangatan, Gävle, 14:00-15:30
Take part in a study visit at the neighbourhood Nordal within the project Augmented Urbans (urban development planning)
60.6759, 17.1451
8 – 9 May: A project exhibition at Linköping City Library, Östgötagatan 5, Linköping, 8:00-16:30
The County Administrative Board of Östergötland and Region Östergötland show the diversity of EU financed projects they are involved in. Examples of Central Baltic projects participating is INSURE (cleaning of contaminated soil), Lakesperience (bicycle tourism around lakes), Coast4us (sustainable development of coastal areas) and Seabased (improvement of the water quality in coastal areas).
Lat: 58.411625, Long: 15.613701
9 May: Presentation of Crea-RE, Kungsbäcksvägen 47, Gävle, 11:30-16:30:
Project Crea-RE is about creating joint courses within Resource efficiency and Circular economy.
Lat: 60.66851, Long: 17.118826
9 May: ”Afternoon Tea” in the premises of Valdemarsvik’s Sparbank, Storgatan 15, Valdemarsvik, 14-17:
Valdemarsvik Municipality is presenting their three Central Baltic projects; Gardens (a city gardening project), Coast4us (sustainable development of coastal areas) and Smart Marina (modernization of harbours in the archipelago).
Long: 16.60628, Lat:58.2036
10 May: Presentation of PRIME, Sturegatan 5, Linköping, 13-17
The project PRIME is about integration of young people that recently have arrived in the Swedish society.
Long:15.6212858, Lat: 58.4161714

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Project Garden during the project open door activities in Mariehamn