5th call - new information
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 17:16
For latest information about the fifth call, please visit the 5th call page.
The Monitoring Committee of the Central Baltic Programme gathered in Riga between 23-24 April 2019. During the meeting, 5th call details were decided.
We will compile a comprehensive 5th call information page in near future but here are the most important facts:
The Monitoring Committee of the Central Baltic Programme gathered in Riga between 23-24 April 2019. During the meeting, 5th call details were decided.
We will compile a comprehensive 5th call information page in near future but here are the most important facts:
- The call is open between 15.8.-15.10.2019
- Assessment is done during 2019 and earliest project start is 1st February 2020
- All Specific Objectives are open for applications
- All applications are one-step (current guidance documentation can be used as reference, 5th call documentation will be available in the early summer)
- Consultations with the Joint Secretariat are mandatory
- There is roughly 12 million euros available for funding (more details available in near future)
- ERDF is limited on project level at 81%
- There are new Simplified Cost options (more details available in near future)
- 5th call projects must end by 31 December 2022