The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

Public hearing webinar Estonia (eesti keeles)

Time: 2 March, 2021, 14:00 to 16:00

2.märtsil toimub Zoom keskkonnas veebiseminar, kus on kõigil huvilistel on võimalus tutvuda uue Kesk-Läänemere programmi 2021-2027 mustandiga, küsida selle kohta küsimusi ning avaldada arvamust.
Veebiseminaril tutvustatakse programmi, selle prioriteete ning keskkonnamõju strateegilise hindamise aruande mustandit. 
Pärast veebiseminari toimumist oodatakse osalejatelt küsimustiku kaudu programmi osas tagasisidet.

Eesti keelde tõlgitud materjalid:

Seminari päevakava

Ülevaade Kesk-Läänemere programmist 2021-2027
  • Temaatiline fookus
  • Programmi rakendamine
  • Küsimused ja vastused
Keskkonnamõju strateegilise hindamise aruande mustandi ülevaade
  • Küsimused ja vastused

Registeerimine: SIIN 

Registreerimine lõpeb 1. märtsil kell 15:00.

Avalda arvamust:

Tagasiside küsimustik arvamuse jagamiseks

Avalik kuulamine kestab 30 päeva. Kuna avalik kuulamine toimub Lätis 17. märtsil on tagasisideankeet avatud 9. aprillini. Siiski palume tagasiside küsimustikule vastata esimesel võimalusel.

Ingliskeelsed materjalid ja lisainfo:

The public hearing for the Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027 has been launched

In English:

Programming of Central Baltic programme 2021-2027 has reached to a point in where the public hearing process begins. The Estonian public hearing webinar is organized on 2nd of March 2021 at 14-16. Public hearings are organized in every member state (including Åland) in February and March.

In the webinar we present the programme, the priorities and the Strategic Environmental Assessment draft report. After the webinar you will be able to fill in an online survey and give your opinion about the programme. All interested members of the society are welcomed to the webinar. The webinar will be held in Estonian.


- Introduction
- Overview of the Central Baltic programme 2021-2027
       - Thematic focus
       - Programme implementation
       - Q&A
- Overview of the draft report of Strategic Environmental Assessment
        - Q&A
- Final words and presenting the online survey

Link: registration for Public Hearing Estonia

Share your opinion: The public hearing process takes 30 days, and because national webinar in Latvia will take place on 17 March, the questionnaire is open until 9 April. However, we would kindly ask to send your replies as soon as possible. The feedback will be passed on to the Joint Programming Committee and the programme will be finalized based on this.

More information from here.

LINK: The presentation from the Public hearing webinar