The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

Panel discussion "#Interreg30 - challenges of entrepreneurs in cross-border cooperation" in Tartu and online

Time: 5 October, 2020
Place: SPARK demo, Narva mnt 3, Tartu
Why do companies cooperate across borders? What is the price and value of cross-border cooperation?

Experiences from generating ideas to marketing and selling new joint products or services will be shared by panelists...
  • Olga Tšubrik (TBD-BioDiscovery board member, involved with Estonia-Latvia project PET-Diagnostics),
  • Rene Tõnnisson (Baltic Research Institute, board member, involved with Estonia-Latvia project EstLat Accelerate),
  • Margus Timmo (Setomaa Union board chairman, involved with Estonia-Russia project Active Village),
  • Henri Hanson (Tartu Science Park, project manager, involved with Central Baltic projects Baltic Explorers and CB 4 GameCamps).
Panel discussion is moderated by Vaido Mikheim (Tartu Science Park, project manager, has been involved with several Central Baltic and Estonia-Latvia projects).

In the second half of the event, there will be an opportunity to have a say and generate business-related ideas for planning cross-border cooperation in the 2021-2027 funding period.

Register HERE.

Event will also be live-streamed.