The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

National Contact Points in spotlight - Julia Jokelin

In this mini-series, we introduce our national Contact Points from around the programme area. The national Contact Points are the link between the programme and the regions. They inform about the funding opportunities and provide first information to potential applicants. Contact Points also help with partner search and matchmaking. In addition, they follow projects closely to share/spread project results and communicate the benefits of cross-border cooperation. Previus Contact Points in Spotlight:


Part 1: Our national Contact Point on Åland - Ester Laurell
Part 2: Our national Contact Point in Finland - Jaakko Ranta
Part 3: Our national Contact Point in Latvia - Ilze Legzdina
Part 4: Our national Contact Point in Sweden South - Annika Holmström
Part 5: Our national Contact Point in Estonia - Johanna Joosep 
Part 6: Our national Contact Point in Sweden-North - Christina Rehnberg 

Part 7: Our national Contact Point in Estonia - Ingel Türk

National Contact Points in spotlight - Julia Jokelin

I have worked as National Contact Point Finland since September 2019. I’m located at Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council in Helsinki, Finland.

How did you end up working with Central Baltic?
I have always had a sweet spot for EU affairs, communications and environmental matters. During the past ten years I have worked in all those fields, but never in a position that combines them all. When I found out about this position and Central Baltic in general, I couldn’t do anything but apply. On top of the great position, I had always found Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council as a possible place for me to work someday.

What does a typical working day look like?
I would say that there is no typical day when working as National Contact Point. My goal is to promote the programme in Finland, help different organizations to get funding from the programme and, also, spread around the news about the great results that has been achieved by our projects.

Maybe it is easier to describe how my typical working week or even month looks like: I attend as many events organized by projects as I can. I prepare newsletters, interview project partners, write stories, help projects with their communications and, also, help our managing authority in whatever they need. During this half a year that I have worked for the programme, I have made a fair amount of presentations and gathered information on how our programme is doing in Finland.
On top of these, I have built a good connection with the other National Contact Points in Estonia, Latvia, Åland and Sweden. I feel like we are a strong team.
To be successful in the work of National Contact Point, I feel like I need to follow closely what happens in EU and national levels. This is why I educate myself on regular bases and follow current news and politics as much as I can.

What are you currently working with?
Currently I’m working with my next newsletter that will be published within two weeks. I’m also writing stories about two projects which I got to interview few months back. After the newsletter I will take a deeper look in all the projects that have ever been funded in Finland during in the framework of Central Baltic programme 2014-2020.

What is the best thing about your work?
Even though I really enjoy working in the field of EU affairs, communications and environmental matters – I think the best thing in this is the people that I work with. Interreg programmes are all about cross-border cooperation and working together, and let me say, I think that is the best thing in my work as well!