The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

Lead Partner and Communication seminar

Time: 10 June, 2020
Our Lead Partner and Communication seminar is arranged on 10 June. Due to the current situation, the meeting takes place online.

The updated agenda (9 June) is available from here.

The seminar is targeted to the 5th call projects and is aimed at the Project Managers, Financial Managers and Communication Managers from the project Lead Partner. 

The event gives participants basic information on the role, tasks and responsibilities of the lead partner of a Central Baltic project, as well as about project reporting, financial rules and eligibility of costs. The seminar also underlines the importance of project communication

We have sent invitations directly to 5th call projects but if you feel that you should attend (e.g. major changes in project staff), get in touch with Ivo (, who is the reponsible person for this event.