The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 finances result orientated cross-border cooperation projects in Estonia, Finland (incl Åland), Latvia and Sweden

CBSmallPorts webinar: Energieffektivitet och gemensam marknadsföring (in Swedish)

Time: 20 May, 2021, 9:00 to 12:00
Place: Online
Welcome to the CBSmallPorts Webinar “ENERGIEFFEKTIVITET OCH GEMENSAM MARKNADSFÖRING” on Thursday 20th May at 9.00-12.00 Swedish time. The focus is on resource efficiency and marketing of the small ports in Central Baltic area. The webinar will be in Swedish, free of charge and there is no need for registration.

Programme of the webinar from here.

To attend the webinar, click on the following link and follow the instructions:

For more information: per-olov.persson(at)